Last October 5th François Verhoeven showed us practical tips and workflow bringing a designviz project to life with the latest Maxwell | SketchUp 4.1.

François Verhoeven is an architect working with his business partner Dennis Fillié in the Netherlands in their own firm, FillieVerhoeven Architects, since 1993. The architectural firm, has been providing services to other architects as well such as engineering, architectural photography and archviz.
What is design today without rendered images? Before all is said and done architects need feedback on their ideas. Feedback, images generated by the 3D digital world most architects now work in. Models in SketchUp in the first stages of design are often solid, simple, and not all that detailed. The digital simulation of light, the shapes, and shades however, you want to be like the sketches of Frank Loyd Wright, as inspiring and sophisticated. Even a simple cube can be inspiring in beautiful light. Maxwell provides the light I am looking for in SketchUp. Not only for these most often outsourced architectural visualisations but at the beginning when it all starts in the mind and on the screen of a designer.
Tools used
- Scene manager
- Context-sensitive menu items
- Menu items
- Maxwell | Studio
Setting up Maxwell | SketchUp
- Environment
- Lighting
- Camera
Modeling tools & tips for Maxwell | SketchUp
- Glass
- Grass
- Reference files
- Skatter
Materials in Maxwell | SketchUp
- Native SketchUp materials
- Maxwell Materials
Here is the final render of the project François worked last Thursday. The design for this villa Z7 is for a current client and still a WIP.
This final render is at SL 15. It is a typical basic SketchUp model, without much detail, with MXS references (Bentanji models, and Xfrog & Laubwerk vegetation), Maxwell Scatter for the flowers and Ivy, and Maxwell Grass. The HDRI for all environment channels is by Peter Guthrie.
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